all things new: a five-week devotional series
We are racing along into the new year, and if you are like me (and pretty much everyone else), the feelings of promise and possibility that ushered in 2025 are now a distant memory. Resolutions have faded away; routines have been interrupted, and busyness has swept aside the hopeful rhythms we intended to change our lives.
Time—the one commodity we can never get back—stops for no one, and with every year, we feel it flashing by faster than before. We scratch our heads and ask, “Where did it go?” knowing that there is no answer that will satisfy.
The reality of this makes Jesus’ first public message incredibly good news, since he ushered in a new concept of time, one that might encourage you right about now. In proclaiming, “The time has come, the kingdom of God is at hand,” he used the word kairos, describing some perfect opportunity, like the sun cutting through the clouds on a rainy day just as you set out to take a walk. Kairos has nothing to do with clocks and calendars and schedules, but everything to do with the God of the universe breaking into our lives, often when we least expect it. Jesus’ view of time—the kingdom view—is one of opportunity, of hope, of promise and possibility, much like that New Year’s sense of anticipation that we seem to lose too soon.
Do you see the wonder of this? Because God is outside of time, he has an unlimited storehouse of kairos--of fresh opportunities and amazing experiences—to pour out on you and me, whether it’s January or June or December.
While we cannot create kairos breakthroughs, we can set our hearts to recognize them when they come and receive the blessing God intends. That will be our goal in this five-week series. Though we will focus on one “new” thing from Scripture each week, our primary purpose is to turn our gaze Godward where perchance he will grace us with the kairos we need to experience our kingdom birthright of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).
he format we will follow each week is:
Day One:
Time—the one commodity we can never get back—stops for no one, and with every year, we feel it flashing by faster than before. We scratch our heads and ask, “Where did it go?” knowing that there is no answer that will satisfy.
The reality of this makes Jesus’ first public message incredibly good news, since he ushered in a new concept of time, one that might encourage you right about now. In proclaiming, “The time has come, the kingdom of God is at hand,” he used the word kairos, describing some perfect opportunity, like the sun cutting through the clouds on a rainy day just as you set out to take a walk. Kairos has nothing to do with clocks and calendars and schedules, but everything to do with the God of the universe breaking into our lives, often when we least expect it. Jesus’ view of time—the kingdom view—is one of opportunity, of hope, of promise and possibility, much like that New Year’s sense of anticipation that we seem to lose too soon.
Do you see the wonder of this? Because God is outside of time, he has an unlimited storehouse of kairos--of fresh opportunities and amazing experiences—to pour out on you and me, whether it’s January or June or December.
While we cannot create kairos breakthroughs, we can set our hearts to recognize them when they come and receive the blessing God intends. That will be our goal in this five-week series. Though we will focus on one “new” thing from Scripture each week, our primary purpose is to turn our gaze Godward where perchance he will grace us with the kairos we need to experience our kingdom birthright of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).
he format we will follow each week is:
Day One:
- A short introduction
- A Scripture Reading
- Reflection Questions
- Practical Steps
- Further Pertinent Scriptures
- Deepening reflection questions
Click on the buttons below for each week's devotionals.